Suite IDs
Subtle etched logo in brushed dibond with mirrored stainless backer.
Brushed DiBond with etched and painted text / design.
Acrylic backer with mirrored stainless, cut out acrylic front.
3/8″ stained wood backer with sandblasted slate installed on top.
Water jet cut 1/4″ aluminum, pin mounted to door.
Water jet cut 1/4″ aluminum, pin mounted to door.
1/4″ acrylic, painted black.
3/16″ chrome aluminum.
1/4″ acrylic, painted black.
3/16″ acrylic digits, 1/8″ acrylic backer, painted egg shell white.
Acrylic door plaque with raised numbers and braille.
Slate TH plaque. Sandblasted / infilled text and logo.
Aluminum door plaques. Water jet 1/16″ logo with 1/8″ backer and numbers.
Door numbers, water jet cut through 1/8″ aluminum numbers, brushed finish.
1/4″ acrylic, painted black.
3″ tall acrylic digits.